Lennart Dobravsky

👋 Hey, I'm Lennart, a tech analyst, data storyteller, and executive advisor.

Humble brag time up front:

My research has been featured in leading media outlets like The Financial Times, Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, New York Magazine, and many more.

My day-to-day revolves around decoding the travel and mobility industries and creating memorable, data-driven stories that spotlight meaningful innovations for a more sustainable and efficient future of traveling from point A to point B.

I pursue this passion through a variety of channels/ventures:

  1. As the founder of Research+Attitude, my team and I create top-tier market intelligence and thought leadership content, empowering business leaders and their companies to become the smartest voices in their respective travel and mobility niches.
  2. I also founded TNMT, a dope trends publication owned by the Lufthansa Innovation Hub, where I continue to shape the platform's direction as a co-creator and the editorial mind.
  3. I serve as a trusted advisor to some of the most forward-thinking companies in the travel domain, from venture capitalists to aviation giants and emerging startups, lending my expertise to help shape their positioning and strategic outlooks.
In short, I'm your go-to guy for digging up market insights across the travel and mobility sectors.

Before going independent with Research+Attitude, I held positions as Lufthansa Innovation Hub's Director of Research, Principal Publishing at Axel Springer hy, and Research Analyst at Bain & Company.

In all these roles, I decoded emerging trends, unraveled patterns, and unveiled growth opportunities across various industries.

Uncovering trends has literally been my job for the past 10+ years.

Before all of that:

  • I played semi-pro football (soccer) in 🇩🇪 and 🇨🇦
  • Earned my UEFA B-Level coaching license ⚽
  • Became an Academic All-Canadian 👨‍🎓
  • Snowboarded the Rocky Mountains 🏂
  • I completed my Master's degree in International Business at Queen's University in Canada and the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland 🎓

Now, I call Berlin home.

Join my research ride

If you want to follow my work (and learn about the most relevant trends shaping the future of travel and mobility), subscribe to OneChart, my personal newsletter.

OneChart serves a growing community of data-hungry, truth-seeking readers working at airlines, automotive OEMs, travel brands, and mobility providers.

Speaking gigs

I occasionally speak at interesting events and private briefings.

Clients include travel, mobility, and investment firms, as well as industry groups, conference providers, and academic institutions.

Speaking topics cover:

  • Trends and innovation across travel, mobility, and transportation 📈
  • Corporate innovation, startups, and venture capital 💰
  • Data-driven approaches to uncover trends and opportunities ⚙️
  • Scaling research & content orgs for high-quality corporate publishing 📝

Let's chat

Before I forget, I'm always eager to receive constructive feedback, tips for future data charts, or ideas on how to improve OneChart.

So, reach out! You can contact me at lennart@onechart.co

Let's collaborate

Interested in collaborating?

Shoot me an email or check out Research+Attitude.